You can use Audion to listen to your CDs, to MP3 files, or to listen to streaming MP3 audio over the Internet. Of course, Audion can do a whole lot more than that, too.
To learn more about how to use Audion, double click the "Audion Help" file in this folder! Apple Help will open, and you can navigate Audion's help just like you navigate in a web browser.
To view the Audion Help, you need Mac OS 8.5 or above. If you don't have Mac OS 8.5 or above, drop the "Audion Help" file onto an open web browser window to view it.
And really, that's it! Double click Audion, explore, and enjoy!
What's new in this version?
Please see the Audion web site for a description of What's New:
Release notes are available at:
How To Contact Us
We love these people deeply for their A2 assistance:
Jeremy Bailey
Daniel Bondard
Will Cosgrove
Dave and Gedeon of The Iconfactory
Aaron, Jason, and Dustin of Blackhole
John Daub
Jonathon Fletcher
Scott Haug
Dave Hayden
Paul Johnson
Lucius Kwok
Jim Luther
Keith Martin
Pierre Paour
Arlo Rose
Paul Russell
Gabriele de Simone
Mark Taylor
George Warner
Noby, Kohno, Kato, Matt and everyone at act2
audion-faces: the best interface designers on the planet
Our top-notch beta team
And every user who sent us their ideas and suggestions!